Window Replacement in Lakeland FL

Replacement windows Lakeland FL

Window replacement can improve your home’s look, boost its value and help with energy efficiency. Choose a local window provider with a proven track record and a wide range of options. They should offer both full-frame and pocket installation, as well as guarantee their work.

Check that the company offers a variety of styles and materials, including durable composite frames made of wood and vinyl. Also, inquire about ENERGY STAR certified windows that can cut your cooling costs by $418 a year.


If you have old, leaking or drafty windows in your home, window installation is a great option. The process involves removing the existing window, replacing it with a new one and cleaning up the work area. Many companies offer a complete service, from design to installation. Some also offer financing and warranty options.

Renewal by Andersen sells custom replacement windows that are made to fit the size and style of your home. Its Fibrex material offers the strength of wood without the maintenance, a wide range of colors and grille patterns, narrower frames for a greater view and energy-efficient glass. Its windows and doors are backed by a transferable 20-year warranty on the glass, Fibrex material and installation.

Adding windows to your home can increase its value and make it more energy-efficient. A new insulated glass unit can reduce your energy bills by up to 12%. It is recommended to get a professional to install your windows. A local contractor can ensure that the project is in compliance with local codes and regulations.


Pella offers a range of window styles, modes of operation and frame materials to suit every budget. The company also offers a variety of energy-efficient features that will reduce cooling costs and improve home value. These include low-e insulating glass and a polymer layer that adds strength to the glass. These technologies can increase the upfront cost of the windows, but they will save money in the long run.

The price of Pella windows can vary significantly depending on the type and size of window chosen. For example, oversized windows like bay and bow windows require more material and labor than smaller single-hung or awning windows. In addition, the installation of a new Pella window must be done by a licensed window professional to ensure structural damage and leaks are avoided. Incorrect window installation can void the warranty on the windows and lead to costly repairs later on.

When choosing a Pella window installer, be sure to ask about the company’s experience and training. This will help you avoid miscommunication and get the right window for your home.


When looking for a window installation company, you should choose a provider that offers a comprehensive project plan and timeline. A trustworthy window company will also offer design flexibility and energy-efficient options that fit your budget. They will also be able to help you select durable windows that meet your specific requirements and protect against Florida’s subtropical climate, including strong hurricane winds.

Look for local window installation services that have many years, preferably decades, of experience. They will have a solid understanding of Lakeland’s unique climate and homeowners’ needs. They will also be able to solve common problems like fogging between window panes and condensation, rotting frames, high energy bills, and outdated or inefficient windows.

Check whether the company holds a general, residential, or glazing license from the state Construction Industry Licensing Board. They should also be a member of the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance. The best choice is a company that has the latest ECOtru double- or triple-pane glass packages tailored to maximize energy savings for your geographic area.

National HomeCraft

A home’s windows are a vital component to its beauty, function and feel. They should be strong, durable and energy-efficient. Local window contractors can help homeowners choose the right windows for their homes and budgets. They also can assist with custom window design and installation services.

Finding a reputable and experienced contractor is an important part of any project. To help screen potential contractors, review customer reviews on websites like Google, Yelp and Trustpilot. Ask friends and family for recommendations, and ask each company to provide professional references.

The cost of new windows varies by frame material, glass type and installation labor. Vinyl and fiberglass windows are readily available, but wood frames are popular for their aesthetics and durability. They also hold up to Florida’s harsh weather conditions and icy winter temperatures. You should also factor in warranty fees and permit costs, if necessary. Many companies keep online portfolios that present past projects. In addition, look for a residential, glazing or general license from the state Construction Industry Licensing Board.